
I'm scared to get close, and I hate being alone
I long for that feeling to not feel at all
The higher I get, the lower I'll sink
I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim

&&. BIO

I see...I guess...There's no espacing my fate after all...

Name: Silver (シルバー)
Nicknames: Silv, Silvee, Silveevee
Pokedex Holder Title: The Exchanger
Gender: Nonbinary (They/He)
Age: 11 (GSC Chapter), 13 (FRLG & Emerald Chapter), 16 (HGSS Chapter), 20 (Post HGSS Chapter)
Height: 181cm/5'11"
Birthdate: 24th of December
Sexuality: Homoromantic Asexual
Likes: Unusual Food companions, Proteam Omega, Cartoons, Autumn, Classical and Rock Music, National Park, Pokeplushes
Dislikes: Closed spaces, High School Romantic Novels, Extreme Cold, Team Rocket

Headcanons/Extra Info
Nonbinary with a preference of They/Them rather than He/Him, but okay with either.

Along with Proteam Omega, they enjoy several other animes and cartoons. Even if it was aimed for a younger audience, he will become invested regardless. It's a good distraction for Silver, and he can easily ramble/go in depth about said shows

Silver doesn't lose his belongings as much as before, but still stitches his name on anything they own

Silver is very skilled at the piano. They can be seen in the Goldenrod Music store playing the piano in display. At times, they sing along to songs they play and their singing is average at best

Has a lot of freckles, very visible

Has spider bite piercings, tongue piercing, multiple ear piercing, and belly button piercing

Prone to getting cold


Often gets nightmares

Has a fond of Water Types

Has the ability to craft items needed for trade evolution (Not all, but a good handful)


I'm not your friend or anything,
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am

Silver is an indepedent muse and not associated with any storylines

Silver is multiship! Let me know if you are interested and we can go from there. Slightly selective with ship partners due to personal comfort and 18+ muses only, since they are 18+. No ships with any muse based on Blue/Green/Leaf

No NSFW (Sexual content) please. Jokes are fine, but nothing too extreme

This Silver is Manga-based with bits of game. Writer knows nothing about Pokemas Silver

Prefers descriptive/novel/detailed style of writing, but flexible with styles.

Never done battle rps, but I will go it go with mutuals!

Flexible with types of roleplays (serious/angst/fluff/crack)

Any other rules are in the main writer's carrd, inside the admin page


Oh, I'm so human
We're just human

Father (Giovanni) // They have a strained relationship with their father and wishes to not have any ties with him. To this day, they're trying to make him turn a new leaf, but unsure if they will have a stable relationship if that occurs.

Mother (Ariana) // Silver knows nothing about their mother, so they have no opinion about her. They believe that she's left, whether by divorce or death, when they were very young. But when it comes to Ariana in general, they hate her.

Sister (Commander Mars) // Same with their mother, he has no information about their sister and believes they're an only child. Their age difference is unknown.

Aunt (Lorelei) // Information and knowledge is unknown to Silver

Uncle (Byron) // Information and knowledge is unknown to Silver

Cousin (Roark) // Information and knowledge is unknown to Silver

Blue // Silver's older sister who they are rather protective over. They were raised as partners in the masked children and much closer to each other than the other pairs. They're known to be irritated when someone makes a negative comment towards Blue, and often hugs her arm when they feel scared, a habit that lingers since Silver was a child.


Gold ; GXLDGAMBLER // And they were roommates!
They have a hard time admitting or expressing their feelings to Gold, but he does mean a lot to them. Silver does feel some sort guilt about living with Gold and wants to find a way to repay his gratitude.

Close Friends

Crystal // A Peer/Dexholder that they take admiration for. They find her capturing skills remarkable, along with her words of comfort whenever something went wrong. Silver wishes that Crys wasnt so hard on herself, though.

Gold ; Goldthehatcher // They still have that typical "You're annoying as hell relationship", but toned down overtime. Silver considers him a good friend.

Ruby ; mischeviousruby // When with Ruby, he is either a model for Ruby or rants to him while the charmer paints his nails. He can be quite irksome that causes Silver to scold him for it, but likes spending time with him. Silver does have a crush on him, but wont admit it.


Diamond // Bond over Proteam Omega, that's all that needs to be known

Sun ; sunshintrainer // The goth senior becomes friends with the sunshine junior. They enjoy the kid's company, he gives them a good pick-me-up when needed. The two also send eachother random videos (mainly Sun)

Avery ; PSYCHEDELlCHE // Nonbinary solidarity. Avery is very vocal about their feelings and general thoughts, and Silver appreciates that. It teaches them to be a bit more often with any emotions instead of constantly closing them off.


He had spent it all on chips and Coca-Cola
He had spent it all on chocolate and vanilla
He had spent it all and didn't even feel it
He had spent it all and didn't even feel it

Theory / Nia
Over 18
They/Them + Fey/Fem
Admin Carrd


Note: Majority of the information in this is headcanon-based!

Lv. 84 // Pressure // ♀ // Aromantic // Quirky Nature, Likes to Fight
Weavile is their childhood Pokemon and never leaves his side. She is sneaky, quick, and smart, but faces trauma from being with the Masked Man. Weavile can be seen out of her pokeball often and enjoys napping in Silver's lap.
When Weavile is not in battle, they're seen tussling with her other teammates and looking for goodies with Honchkrow. She adores Blue and Crys, purposely messes with Gold, and indifferent about Lance.
If Weavile were to have a nickname, it would be Moonstone.

Lv. 83 // Torrent // ♂ (He/They) // Gay // Quiet Nature, thoroughly cunning
Feraligatr was slightly concerned upon being stolen as a Totodile, but warmed up to Silver quickly. He is very competitive, loyal, and keeps to themselves at times like Silver. He has a friendly rivalry with Exbo and Megaree.
He is very affectionate with Silver and often gives him "little" gator kisses or lays on him. Both him and Weavile enjoying battling eachother.
If Feraligatr were to have a nickname, it would be Lazurite.

Lv. 79 // Insomnia // ♀ // Lesbian // Adamant Nature, Quick Tempered
Unlike Feraligatr and Weavile, she is not seen in many battles and mainly needed for aerial transportation. She is fierce in battle, stubborn, attentive, and the motherly one of the team. If Silver or her teammates are in any danger, Honchkrow will assist without hesitation.
She is in a relationship with a Noctowl from National Park. If Honchkrow were to have a nickname, it would be Obsidian.

Lv. 80 // Swift Swim // ♀ // Sapphic // Serious Nature, takes plenty of siestas
After escaping The Mask Man, Kingdra was under Blue's care while Silver had Snubull. A couple of years later, she returned to Silver. Kingdra is powerful, obedient, and elegant in battle. Kingdra is often see in nearby waters and sprays ink on anyone she finds threatening, then attacks when they're vulnerable.
She is close to Blue and picked up bits of her schemy personality.
If Kingdra were to have a nickname, it would be Turquoise.

Lv. 80 // Intimidate // ♂ // ??? // Sassy Nature, likes to thrash about // Shiny
It was originally the leader of a group of Magikarp in the Lake of Rage and used by Team Rocket as a signal emitter. Before being caught, Gyarados was in immense pain that only seems to get worse by the minute. He lives up to his species, being very hostile and reckless, but obeys Silver without a problem. They are thankful for Gold and Silver's teamwork to stop Team Rocket and the forced evolutions in Lake of Rage.
Because of the trauma it faced, it will never Mega Evolve.
If Gyarados were to have a nickname, it would be Garnet.


Any Pokemon listed here are not from canon

Amethyst the Mismagius
Lv. 45 // Levitate // ♀ // ??? // Modest Nature, scatters things often
Amethyst was given to Silver by GXLDGAMBLER. She is adventurous, flighty, and optimistic. If Silver was never kidnapped, his personality would be similar to Amy's. Silver often trains her in National Park and routes close to Goldenrod.
Natually, Amethyst is very close to Gold and the rest of his Pokemon, especially Eevee and Murbo. She sees her teammates more like a family, with Honchkrow being her mother and Weavile being a big sister for example.
Despite now being fully evolved and very capable in battle, she still enjoys being the "baby" of the team.

Jasper the Pyroar
Lv. 44 // Movie // ♂ // ??? // Naive Nature, somewhat vain
Jasper was a gift. When Silver helped out younger trainers in Kalos with evolution trade, one gave them a Litleo as thanks. He is ambitious, courageous, and diligent in battle. He has a limb paw (right backleg) and prefers battling with his fangs. Jasper is very independent and reserved.

Sugilite the Pumpkaboo
Lv. 30 // Pickup // ♀ (She/They) // ??? // Mild Nature, somewhat stubborn // Shiny and extra small
Sugilite followed Silver around while he was in Kalos. It went on unnoticed for days until Honchkrow caught sight of her. Sugilite is quite a prankster, childish, and resourceful. They only like being around Amethyst.

Coral the Meowstic
Lv. 55 // Keen Eye // ♀ // Pan // Serious Nature, Hates to Lose
Another Pokemon Silver caught while in Kalos. Coral is very dedicated to her fighting skills and enjoys tag team battles rather than single. Coral is the most distant out of the new team members.
She likes Ruby, especially the accessories that he's made for Pokemon.

Pyrite the Mightyena
Lv. 40 // Intimatidate // ♂ // Bi // Hardy Nature, proud of its power.
Pyrite was once part of a Mightyena pack in Kalos and almost dangerously injured Gold's Eevee when they invaded. When Silver saved them, Pyrite admired the trainer's strength and kept battling Weavile. Sure enough, he joined their team.
He is the most aggressive out of all of Silver's Pokémon. Pyrite breaks out of his pokeball when there is any Pokémon that is a potential opponent. He's attacked Silver a couple of times and left harsh bites on their arms. Overtime, he has improved his behaviour.
Pyrite really likes Ruby's Mightynana, Nana.

Lv. 62 // Limber // ♀ // Lesbian // Timid Nature, likes to run
Silver met Liepard during their second trip to Kalos, injured from a Pokemon Battle. He healed her and then let her go, but Liepard kept coming back. Turns out, Liepard belonged to a not-so-good trainer who pushed their team to the limit. Silver ends up stealing her.
Liepard is extremely skiddish and runs away if the wind changes, but very loveable and a great fighter. She is very grateful for her new home and Silver, but still has a hard time getting used to everyone.
Silver cannot put Liepard in a Pokeball or give her a nickname until the unknown trainer gets rid of the Pokeball, so she is always seen out and with Silver.
She is in a Relationship with Ruby's Delcatty, Kiki.

Eevee was hatched from an egg by GXLDGAMBLER and owned by him. It may not be Silver's Pokémon, but Eevee has taken a liking to him. It's prone to meddle with Silver and forces him to trip when it wants attention. That's their way of saying "I like you". They're affectionate and cuddly with Silver at times.
Even though it's typically bothersome, Silver likes them as well. Eevee accompanied Silver when he went to Kalos and very close to Amethyst and Honchkrow.